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Alternatives to painkillers for pain

Alternatives to painkillers for pain

Dealing with pain can be a real, well, pain! When discomfort comes knocking, most people reach for the medicine cabinet searching for some painkiller relief. But did you know there are a whole bunch of alternatives to painkillers that can be gentle on your body while still helping manage pain? Let’s dive into a treasure chest of options that don’t come in a pill bottle!

Embrace the Power of Movement

It may seem counterintuitive, but simply getting moving can help ease some types of pain. When we exercise, our bodies release endorphins – those magical little hormones that naturally boost our mood and pain tolerance. Plus, staying active can reduce inflammation and help keep your joints limber. Here are some fun ways to get moving:

  • Yoga: This ancient practice combines stretching with breath control and meditation, which can reduce stress and pain perception.
  • Swimming: It’s a low-impact exercise that’s gentle on the joints and can help soothe aches while strengthening muscles.
  • Walking: Sometimes a good walk is all it takes to loosen up tight muscles and reduce pain.

Dive into the World of Essential Oils

Essential oils have been used for centuries for their therapeutic properties. When used correctly, certain essential oils can provide relief for various types of pain:

  • Lavender Oil: Known for its calming effects, it’s also effective in reducing headache and muscle tension.
  • Peppermint Oil: Its cooling sensation can soothe sore muscles and diminish tension headaches.
  • Eucalyptus Oil: The anti-inflammatory properties of eucalyptus can help with joint pain and muscle aches.

Heat and Cold Therapy – The Dynamic Duo

Applying heat or cold to a painful area can be a quick and handy way to relieve pain:

  • Heat Therapy: Warm baths, heated pads, or even a hot water bottle can improve circulation and relax tight muscles.
  • Cold Therapy: Ice packs or a bag of frozen veggies can reduce inflammation and numb the area, providing relief from pain, especially after an injury.

Natural Supplements: Mother Nature’s Medicine

Certain dietary supplements may help combat pain and inflammation:

  • Turmeric: This golden spice isn’t just for curries—it contains curcumin, a compound that has potent anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in fish oil supplements and foods like flaxseeds and walnuts, omega-3s can help reduce joint stiffness and pain.
  • Magnesium: Low levels of magnesium can lead to muscle pain and cramps; supplementing can help ease these symptoms.

Remember, you can find a wide range of natural supplements and advice on usage at QE Strong.

Acupuncture: An Ancient Art for Modern Pain

Acupuncture is an age-old Chinese medical practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. It’s believed to stimulate the body’s natural painkillers and increase blood flow to relieve pain. It’s used for all manner of aches and pains, from chronic back issues to migraine headaches.

Massage: The Touch That Heals

Getting a massage isn’t just a luxury—it can be a therapeutic tool for pain management. Massage can reduce muscle tension, increase circulation, and even improve sleep, which can sometimes be disturbed by pain.

Mind Over Matter: Meditation and Mindfulness

Don’t underestimate the power of the mind when it comes to pain management. Practices like meditation and mindfulness can reduce stress and change the way your brain perceives pain. By focusing your attention and being present in the moment, you might find your pain becomes more manageable.

Get Creative with Herbal Remedies

Aside from supplements, there are teas and topical applications that use the benefits of herbs to soothe pain:

  • Willow Bark: Used for centuries, willow bark acts in a similar way to aspirin and can relieve headaches and other pains.
  • Ginger: A powerful anti-inflammatory that can help with muscle soreness and arthritis pain.
  • Arnica: Often used in gel or cream form, it can reduce bruising and ease musculoskeletal pain.

Conclusion: Building Your Pain Management Toolkit

Pain has met its match with these natural and fun alternatives to painkillers. From essential oils that smell fantastic, to calming yoga poses, and even herbal teas that comfort from the inside out, there are endless possibilities to explore. Always remember that pain management is personal, and what works for one person might not work for another. So don’t hesitate to try different methods until you find what works best for you. And, be sure to check out QE Strong for more ideas and quality supplements that can help you on your journey to overcome pain. Here’s to finding relief and living your most vibrant, pain-free life!

How to reduce pain without chemicals?

How to reduce pain without chemicals?

Are you looking for natural ways to ease your pain without reaching for a bottle of pills? Pain relief doesn’t always have to come from a pharmacy. In fact, there are countless ways to diminish discomfort without relying on chemicals. Not only can these methods be more gentle on your body, but they may also align better with a holistic lifestyle approach, like the one we champion at QE Strong. So, let’s dive into some friendly and fun ways to kick pain to the curb, naturally!

Nature’s Pharmacy: Herbal Remedies

  • Willow Bark: Used for centuries, willow bark contains salicin, a precursory form of aspirin, and it’s perfect for pain relief.
  • Turmeric: This spice isn’t just for cooking; it’s a powerhouse for reducing inflammation thanks to its curcumin content.
  • Peppermint Essential Oil: Ideal for tension headaches – a little temple massage with this cooling oil and you’re good to go!

Herbs and spices aren’t just for adding flavor to your meals – they can be your first line of defense against pain. Using natural remedies like willow bark for its anti-inflammatory properties can make a world of difference. Turmeric, too, is a great addition to your pain management toolkit. Working as nature’s ibuprofen, thanks to its curcumin, it’s great for joint pain relief or after those strenuous workouts like the ones QE Strong advocates.

Get Moving: Exercise Your Way to Comfort

Sometimes, the last thing you want to do when you’re in pain is move, but gentle exercise might be just what your body needs. Not only does it help relieve stiffness, but it can also release endorphins, your body’s natural painkillers. Here are a few low-impact options:

  • Yoga: Stretching and breathing exercises can help you manage stress and reduce pain.
  • Pilates: Strengthen your core and improve posture, which, in turn, can alleviate back pain.
  • Swimming: The buoyancy of water takes pressure off joints and works out the whole body.

Regular physical activity tailored to your ability and needs, similar to the adaptable fitness approaches at QE Strong, can significantly diminish chronic pain. You don’t need to run a marathon – even a daily walk or a dance party in your living room can make a noticeable difference.

Massage: Squeeze the Pain Away

Who doesn’t love a good rub-down? Massage therapy can be a delightful way to manage pain. It increases circulation, reduces tension, and often provides an immediate sense of relief. Plus, it’s a wonderful way to pamper yourself. Consider trying different techniques like:

  • Swedish Massage: Perfect for full-body relaxation to help alleviate achy muscles.
  • Deep Tissue Massage: Targets the inner layers of your muscles, especially good for chronic muscle pain.
  • Shiatsu: A Japanese massage technique focusing on pressure points for a more holistic pain management approach.

At QE Strong, we know the importance of self-care and recovery. Incorporating massage into your routine can transform your pain management strategy, offering both physical and mental benefits alongside other wellness practices.

Heat and Cold: The Dynamic Duo

Turns out, temperature can significantly affect your pain levels. Heat therapy boosts blood flow which can soothe discomfort and accelerate healing. On the flip side, cold therapy is excellent for reducing inflammation and numbing sharp pain. Here are some nifty ways to use them:

  • Heating Pads: Ideal for chronic muscle pain and stiffness.
  • Cold Packs: Great for acute injuries or inflammation after exercise.
  • Contrast Therapy: Alternating hot and cold baths can invigorate the body and reduce deep-seated pain.

Whether it’s a hot bath after a QE Strong powerlifting session or a cold compress post an intense calorie-burn workout, these temperature treatments can be easily added to your pain management regimen with great results.

Acupuncture: The Point of Relief

Originating from traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is becoming widely accepted in the west for good reason. It involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body to rebalance energy and alleviate pain. While the thought of needles might be off-putting to some, many find it a powerful ally against a variety of pains including headaches, back pain, and osteoarthritis.

Quality Sleep: Recharge Your Pain Relief

Never underestimate the healing power of a good night’s sleep. Quality Z’s can lead to better management of pain with the added bonus of boosting your mood. Here’s how you can improve your slumber:

  • Adopt a Sleep Schedule: Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can enhance your sleep quality.
  • Limit Screen Time: Omit screens an hour before bed to signal your brain that it’s time to wind down.
  • Create a Restful Environment: Make sure your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet to optimize your sleep.

Like any diligent member of the QE Strong community knows, recovery is a cornerstone of wellness. Sleep is the time when your body repairs itself, making it a vital element in your fight against pain.

Conclusion: Feeling Good Naturally

Turning to nature and your body’s own amazing capabilities for pain relief isn’t just smart; it’s empowering. From the herbs that spice up your culinary life to the therapeutic touch of massage, each non-chemical method offers a unique blend of benefits that promote overall well-being. Remember that a holistic approach, like the one QE Strong advocates, emphasizes balance in all things – and that includes managing pain. By incorporating these natural tactics into your routine, you’re choosing a path toward a healthier, happier you, without having to rely on chemicals. Here’s to your naturally pain-free journey!

Why is natural pain relief effective?

Why is natural pain relief effective?

Seeking pain relief can often be a journey of trial and error. With so many options to explore, it’s no wonder that natural pain relief is gaining popularity. So, why are individuals everywhere turning to Mother Nature for reprieve? Let’s delve into the healing powers of natural remedies and understand why they are not just effective, but often a preferred choice when it comes to managing pain.

Nature’s Pharmacy at Your Fingertips

When it comes to pain relief, nature has a bountiful pharmacy. For centuries, humans have relied on the medicinal properties of plants to heal and soothe ailments. Unlike synthetic medications with a laundry list of side effects, natural remedies offer a gentler approach. Your kitchen spice rack or garden might house some of these incredible, pain-relieving wonders.

  • Turmeric: This bright, yellow spice is not just for curry. Turmeric contains curcumin, which exhibits anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain and swelling.
  • Ginger: Beyond aiding digestion, ginger has been shown to alleviate muscle and joint pain due to its anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Willow Bark: Often referred to as ‘nature’s aspirin,’ willow bark contains salicin, a compound similar to the active ingredient in aspirin used for pain and inflammation since Hippocrates.

We often forget that many of our current pharmaceuticals are derived from the active compounds found in plants. By turning to these roots (literally), we’re returning to the basics and utilizing earth-given resources to tackle our pain head-on. Plus, websites like QE Strong provide insights into how incorporating natural elements into your lifestyle can contribute to overall well-being and pain management.

A Holistic Approach to Pain

Looking at pain from a holistic perspective, we focus on the entire body rather than just the symptomatic area. Natural pain relief often entails an inclusive approach, incorporating lifestyle changes and natural supplements that benefit the whole system. Practices like yoga, acupuncture, and mindful meditation activate the body’s self-healing mechanisms, providing not just relief, but also a sense of balance and calm.

Moreover, holistic practices often emphasize the importance of diet in managing pain. Anti-inflammatory foods such as berries, nuts, and leafy greens can improve your body’s ability to fight inflammation and hence, reduce pain. Sometimes, the best defense against pain is a good offense, and a healthy, balanced diet is exactly that.

The Power of Essential Oils

Natural pain relief also extends into the world of aromatherapy. Essential oils are the concentrated essences of plants and have been used throughout history for their medicinal properties. Let’s take a whiff at some popular options:

  • Lavender: Renowned for its calming effects, lavender can help reduce stress and tension headaches.
  • Peppermint: This cooling oil can alleviate muscle pain and soothe achy joints when applied topically.
  • Eucalyptus: Its anti-inflammatory properties make it a great aid for respiratory issues and muscle pain.

Essential oils can be inhaled, diffused, or applied topically when diluted with carrier oils. With such versatility, it’s simple to incorporate them into your daily routine, bringing nature’s soothing touch to wherever you might need it.

Breaking Down the Biochemical Benefits

The effectiveness of natural pain relief is backed by science. When you understand the biochemical reactions occurring within your body due to natural compounds, it’s easier to appreciate the power they hold. For instance, certain herbal supplements can increase the production of endorphins, which are your body’s natural painkillers.

Inflammation is a common pain culprit, and the anti-inflammatory properties found in many natural remedies can help reduce discomfort at the source. It’s not just about masking the pain but addressing the underlying issues.

The Personalization of Pain Management

Every individual’s pain is unique, and what works for one person might not work for another. Natural pain relief provides an array of options that can be tailored to your personal needs and preferences. Exploring different herbs, supplements, and holistic practices allows you to find what resonates with and benefits your body the most. Having an online resource like QE Strong can be invaluable in this journey, offering information, guidance, and support.


When pain strikes, you want relief that is not only effective but also aligns with your preferences and values. The natural route provides a promising path. With remedies offering fewer side effects, a holistic approach, and a personalized touch, it’s clear why many are opting for the treasures found in nature to ease their distress.

What’s astounding is that we’ve only skimmed the surface of nature’s expansive medicine cabinet. So next time pain comes knocking, remember that relief could be as simple as a spice, a scent, or a stretch away. Embrace the wisdom of the natural world, and you might just find yourself on the path to not just pain relief but also a more harmonious, balanced life. Be sure to swing by QE Strong for a helping hand on this journey backed by nature’s own strong evidence.

Eliminate Toxicity, Alleviate Pain: Dr. Edward Group Reveals the Connection

Eliminate Toxicity, Alleviate Pain: Dr. Edward Group Reveals the Connection


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In a world clouded by unanswered questions, Dr. Edward Group’s relentless pursuit to unravel the mysteries of chronic pain takes an unexpected turn. As he delves into the intricate web of pain and toxicity, a revelation emerges, shaking the foundation of conventional wisdom. With every discovery, the hidden connections between toxins and suffering become clearer, leading Dr. Group down an uncharted path of natural solutions and empowerment. But what he stumbles upon next will leave you on the edge of your seat, eagerly anticipating the resolution to this captivating tale of pain and the unexpected twist that awaits.

My special guest is Dr Edward Group

Dr. Edward Group, the founder of Global Healing, is a leading expert in the field of natural solutions for chronic pain and disease. With a background as a chiropractor and over 25 years of experience, Dr. Group understands the intricate connection between pain and toxicity in the body. He firmly believes that many of the chronic inflammatory conditions we experience are a direct result of the toxins we encounter in our daily lives, from the food we eat to the air we breathe. Dr. Group’s approach to pain management and overall health is refreshingly simple yet effective: eliminate the toxins that are causing inflammation and hinder the body’s natural healing process. By empowering individuals to take control of their own health and make informed choices, Dr. Group is revolutionizing the way we approach pain management and disease prevention.

We’re broken out of the Matrix. We’re open, and we’re starting to understand how our lives have been engineered by these evil people. We get it now. We’re open, and we’re starting to understand how our lives have been engineered by these evil people. – Dr. Edward Group

In this episode, you will be able to:

Chronic Pain and Toxins Connection

Dr. Edward Group elaborates on the direct relation between chronic pain and toxins in the human body. He asserts that persistent inflammation and toxicity, mainly due to unhealthy food, polluted air, contaminated water, and toxic home environment, are the prevailing causes of pain. Hence, understanding and rectifying this connection can be pivotal in managing chronic pain and improving overall health.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • Visit the website of Global Healing, the organization founded by Dr. Edward Group, to learn more about their mission and work to help people naturally and faithfully reduce their reliance on Big Pharma drugs.
  • Explore the resources and information available on the Global Healing website to understand the root causes of various health issues and how to heal yourself naturally. Look for articles, videos, and testimonials that provide insights and guidance.
  • Consider attending the Ages Healing for the Ages conference in Texas, where Dr. Group is a highlighted speaker. Learn more about the conference and how it can provide valuable information and support for your health journey.
  • Take the first step towards reducing pain and improving your health by focusing on cleaning and healing your gut. Look for resources and products on the Global Healing website that can help you achieve this, such as gut cleansing kits, probiotics, and digestive enzymes.
  • Recognize the importance of a healthy liver in breaking down chemicals and toxins in your body. Explore liver cleansing protocols and products available on the Global Healing website to support your liver health and detoxification process.
  • Address the presence of parasites in your body, which can release harmful toxins and contribute to chronic inflammation and pain. Look for parasite cleanse products and protocols


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00:01:  Hey, it’s Rob From. I am pain free podcast. I’m so excited. You have no idea how exciting this. Is for me to be able to.        

00:08:  Interview the amazing Dr. Group. Thank you so much for having you be here in Cisco. Yeah, it’s so cool. So if you do some research on Dr.        

00:21:  Group, it’s amazing. Global Healing is the organization that he founded a number of years ago. Right. And the awesome thing about it is he focuses on the root cause of trying to help people. And as you know, with our pain free podcast, we’re trying to help people reduce their Big pharma intake from Big pharma drugs and do things naturally and faithfully.        

00:43:  And guess what? If you can do it and find. The root of things, and Dr. Group. Is an expert at that, you can heal yourself naturally and faithfully without Big pharma drugs.        

00:53:  So what a pleasure. Thank you so much for being here. Good to be here. Thanks for having me. Yeah, it’s neat.        

00:58:  And then we are just blessed to be at a conference. The doctor Group is the highlight. It’s the Ages Healing for the Ages conference right here in Texas. So tell us a little bit about the conference first, and then we’ll go back. Well, everybody, right now, obviously, on the planet, there’s a lot of confusion, there’s.        

01:18:  A lot of suffering, and that’s exactly. What you would expect during a great. Awakening anytime in civilization when everything gets. Stale and the people at the top want more power and control and domination. They want control of the civilizations.        

01:37:  And ultimately what’s happened with us in. The last 100 or so years is the power has shifted up to a. Certain few families and their main mission. Is to, and has been for quite. Some time, is to keep us sick, keep us diseased, keep us in pain, keep us inflamed and ultimately control our.        

01:58:  Mind and body and soul. That sounds like so way out, but for the last 25 years, I’ve been unraveling this. Why do they put fluoride in the water? Why are they telling you to eat gluten? Why are you using a microwave?        

02:13: Why are you killing your food? And I’m a chiropractor, so I’ve been. Studying pain and neurological systems for over 25 years. Awesome. The pain free pain is the number one symptom that people suffer from all over the world.        

02:25:  Right. But if you really die, yes, there’s pain from injuries, but your body is supposed to feel from those injuries naturally. Right. The main issue with pain that we’re finding is the toxicity. It’s the chronic inflammatory conditions that are happening in the body.        

02:42:  Right. And if you trace that back, it’s because of the poisons in the food. It’s the poisons in the water. It’s the poisons in the air. It’s the poisons in your home.        

02:52:  It doesn’t matter if it’s pain or. If it’s diabetes or if it’s cancer. It doesn’t matter what condition you’re suffering. From all of our research has discovered. That every symptom is nothing more than you living in a toxic external environment right.        

03:10:  And poisoning your internal environment on a regular basis. And that’s just causing chronic inflammation and it’s slowing the healing process down tremendously. So what we do for pain and what we do for any condition is. We go back to the basics. I mean, everything in healing to me is very simple.        

03:31:  If you know that all conditions are. Nothing more than poisoning, then what do you do? You get rid of the poison. Right. When the liver is not functioning correctly, when the gut is not connecting to.        

03:44:  The brain efficiently, when your nerves are. Being burned out because of highly acidic foods and highly acidic drinks, then it’s very difficult for your neurological system to be balanced. And your body pain is a signal. Right. It’s a symptom.        

04:03:  That’s what symptoms are. It’s your body trying to tell you, hello, wake up. You need to do something here. You need to get me back in balance. Right.        

04:14:  The solution. There’s a very simple four step solution that we’ve used for pain and disease over the years. I love it. Clean and heal. Your gut starts from the core, right.        

04:26:  Clean the liver. The liver is the major organ in your body that breaks down the chemicals. hemotoxins. Clean all the parasites out of your body. The parasites?        

04:37:  Parasites are going to be worms, bacteria. Viruses, mycoplasms, spiral petes. I mean, any type of harmful organism. Lives in your body. Guess what these organisms secrete when they go to the bathroom in your body where they actually spit stuff out too?        

04:54:  Isopropyl, alcohol, formaldehyde, phenols, venomous toxins. Some worms create hundreds of venomous toxins. Yeah. And most of them haven’t even been identified. So what do all these venomous, acidic chemicals excrements and all that stuff do they irritate and inflame?        

05:14:  They irritate the nerves they inflame, depending. On where these things are located in your body might determine whether you’re having back pain or neck pain. Wow. Organ pain or some other type of pain. Right.        

05:32:  So these pain is associated also with blocked neurological pathways. That’s why it’s so important to adjust your spine. Chiropractic is absolutely amazing because every nerve. From your spine goes to an organ in your bodies. Right.        

05:53:  And if you’re out of alignment alignment, then that can affect you. That’s why also acupuncture works so good. That’s why they’re doing surgeries with acupuncture. These days instead of any anesthetic. Wow.        

06:05:  Because you’re tapping into those nerves and you’re basically numbing that naturally energy and vibration, and that allows them to do the surgery without you having to take anesthetics. I love it. So it doesn’t matter if it’s pain or whatever it is, really. The thing is, stop looking for somebody outside of yourself to heal your pain and your symptom. Right.        

06:29:  And start researching yourself and start reading books and learning how you can reactivate your body’s own self healing mechanism because that’s what the pain and that’s what the symptoms of disease are telling you. They’re telling you the signal is to you. It’s not to the doctor down the street. Doctor down the street can’t feel your feelings, right? The body is telling you to do something about it.        

06:54:  It’s just that we’ve been trained and. Zombified and manipulated from birth to go to somebody else to heal them. And that’s okay if you’re going to. Somebody who specializes in natural medicine and. Chiropractic and somebody that’s actually there.        

07:16:  That’s why we need health coaches. That’s why we need Naturopath, right? Because we’re here to teach you how. To heal yourself, right? Rather than taking pill for an ill, right?        

07:29:  You need to make that decision to go to somebody who understands how to teach you how to heal yourself. Yeah, like you said, we’ve just been trained since the beginning to go to the doctor, right? Go to the MD. The MD is going to fix me. And the MDS don’t ever fix you.        

07:47:  They give you something to cover up the pain. The pain is still there. It’s like if the oil light came on in your car and you go, hey honey, hand me that bandaid. Let me put that sticker over the oil.        

08:01:  Instead of actually changing the oil, putting fresh oil in the you’re just putting a Band Aid over it with pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals, that’s a fantastic word. Those are all synthetic compounds that block the natural ability of the body or. Stop it from happening or prevent something from being natural. Enzymes or something else in the body to be produced.        

08:30:  They never actually address the problem of. A situation that you’re suffering. Then they actually cause 20 other that’s a great problem. Eight months you’re back there and you’re on another medication. Three months later you’re on another medication.        

08:46:  Then it just keeps snowballing and snowballing. Meanwhile, you’re poisoning yourself even more and. You’re still not addressing the root problem. But we’ve also been conditioned for something easy, right? I want a noun, right?        

09:03:  Control your own health means you really have to be in charge of your. Own body and your own mind soul. And that means you have to dedicate time. It means you have to actually put your health as a priority in your life. We’ve also been engineered to go to work.        

09:22:  If you notice, they engineered everything about your life. You’re going to go to college, then you’re going to get a job. And then we’re going to teach you what we want you to hear. We’re not going to teach you the right stuff about history. And then you’re going to get a job.        

09:33:  And then you’re going to focus on this one thing. Then you’re going to be an expert in this subject, but you’re not going to be knowledgeable about many subjects. And then you’re going to rely on. Everybody else for everything instead of learning it yourself. The most important education that you can ever get in your entire life, which is not taught in any school.        

09:53:  Wow. Is education about yourself, education about your. Body, education about your connection to God? Amen. Amen.        

10:01:  Yeah. That is the number one priority from the time that we’re born. Right. Because we’re born spiritual beings and we’re. Here to become enlightened beings.        

10:12:  And that’s purposely these evil people that. Are running the world are all satanic, reptilian, devil worshipping, child sacrificing.        

10:26:  I mean, I don’t even call them humans. Pretty much just destructors. They’re just evil people that are trying to that have programmed all of us as slaves. True. In reality, they’ve created a whole society of slaves.        

10:42:  And here’s the kicker. Without you even knowing. Right. That was my yeah, they do it stealthily. Wow.        

10:50:  They’re great. They have really warfare. They use invisible warfare to do it. Yeah, they’ve been messaging from the time that you’re born, the doctor holds you instead of your mom holding you or doctor pulls you out. You’re shocked, in a state of shock of the white lights of the hospital.        

11:10:  Then immediately you’re traumatized.        

11:15:  Right. And then you’re taken home and you fed synthetic baby formula because the doctors say that, oh, breastfeeding. They convince the parent that it’s too. Tough and the mom has to go back to work. Every single thing about your life is.        

11:32:  Engineered, even from the cartoons that you’re watching on TV as a kid, all. The way up through high school, all the way up through college, everything, your whole life, every aspect of it is really engineered. Isn’t that amazing? The water, food, the education system, the monetary system, they educate you on politics and try to divide you. They educate you, engineer the racism, the.        

11:58:  Transgenderism, all of this stuff is put into your mind because the mind is. Actually what I call the evil and the soul is the God. Okay? Because the mind is easily they can’t. Mess with your soul as much.        

12:17:  They’re figuring out how to do it. They’re sure trying, aren’t they? But the mind, they knew for a long time ago. It’s very easy to control the mind. To zombify things, put fluoride in the water.        

12:30:  They have people eating unhealthy cooked, processed foods all day long. Most people on the planet right now, pRobably 99%, 80% to 90% of the. Food that they consume every single day is relaxed food. Yeah. That’s amazing.        

12:46:  Horrible. The solution is to take control of your health again and start spending more. Time and effort listening to your body. Spending more time raising your vibrational frequency, spending more time in prayer and meditation. Being a loving person, loving yourself, which is huge.        

13:08:  Most people don’t love yourself. I’ve interviewed so many people and I said, when is the last time that. You looked in the mirror and you. Said, you know what? I really love myself.        

13:18:  I look great, I feel great, I have a nice day. When is the last time you’ve done that, right? I say, you know what? And I sit there and think, well said. The last time I did that was when I was a cheerleader in high school, right?        

13:32:  And I looked at the mirror, I felt great. Everything in my world was great. I was dating with Stark having done that in 16 years, right? Wasn’t that sad? Yeah.        

13:45:  They’ve taught us how to hate ourselves. Taught us how to hate other people. When we’re all the same. We are. We all have the same soul, connected.        

13:58:  It doesn’t matter what color, race, creed. We’re all human beings, right? It’s all part of their plan. Create those negative emotions in the divisions, right. Division and hate.        

14:09:  Right? What we’re going through right now, I like to call the Great Awakening in order to wake a lot of people up. The only way you can wake a lot of people up is through pain and trauma and suffering, right? And that’s been we’re going through a lot of that right now, documented for. A long time, especially with people that have addictions.        

14:28:  And I’ve interviewed many people that have. Spent millions of dollars in the top rehab centers for years and years. And I learn. You learn by asking questions. Talk less, listen more.        

14:39:  That’s one of the best quotes I. Forgot who said, it one of the best quotes ever. Talk less, listen more. That’s how you learn. And the people, I asked them, what.        

14:51:  Was it that finally changed you? And every single time I had to. Hit rock bottom, I lost my wife. I lost my marriage, I lost my kids, I lost my job, I lost everything. I hit a rock bottom.        

15:05:  And then they always say I had. Like, a God come to Jesus move, right? Something happened to me. Had this spiritual experience. And I never touched drugs again ever since then.        

15:21:  So this is exactly what we have. Been, because they purposely got us addicted. To social media, addicted to watching Netflix. Addicted to sports, addicted to fast food. Game, addicted to video games.        

15:35:  It’s the same thing they’ve engineered all of. In order to undo all of these. Addictions that they’ve put on us, we. Have to go through the pain for some people, right? There’s this amount of people here, then.        

15:50:  There’s the middle people that are they’re starting to get it, and they’re awake. And then there’s the people up here that are already awake, like you and. Everybody here at this conference, right? That we’re still learning, but at least we’re open minded and we’re not stuck in the Matrix anymore. We’re broken out of them.        

16:06:  We get it now. We’re open, and we’re starting to understand how our lives have been engineered by these evil people. For me, that was just a few years ago. So I went through this whole trauma of a death in the family. It’s like I just went through the whole just pissed off, right?        

16:22:  Just like I can’t believe this is happening. And then just frustration and then anger, right. It turns that you go in from this place where you’re depressed, and I can’t believe I’ve been lied to my entire life. Right? And then all of a sudden you realize that, but then you’re like, okay.        

16:36:  Now what do I do? How can I help? And that’s what we’re trying to do with I am pain free. And all the things that we do with our companies is to help people. I’m just so honored to be able to talk to you because the global healing in your organization, what we’ve been doing is just phenomenal.        

16:53:  So do you mind just sharing a little bit about what you’re doing and where you’re headed? I’m kind of like one of those crazy metaphoricists. I started analyzing all the foods and start analyzing all the supplements and analyzing all this stuff, and it’s like, there’s nothing out there that’s pure anymore. Dog contaminated, right? So I was like, I want to take stuff.        

17:14:  So I started by me developing new technologies in the nutraceutical industry where we do everything raw. Our main mission was to preserve the energetic and the vibrational value of the plants. And that was, how can we do that without heating them up, without boiling them, without steaming them, without radiating them? How can we preserve all those natural essences in the plants with cold process? So we developed the first cold raw herbal extract technology.        

17:47:  And so we actually even test if we’re going to use milk filter, for. Example, or any type of an orb. We’Ll get 20 different samples from all over the wood, all organic, and then we’ll take them through our energetic vibrational testing. We’ll test them for contaminants, we’ll test them for metals. We’ll test them for everything.        

18:05:  And whichever one has the highest vibration, whichever one is the cleanest, that’s the one that we’ll choose. And this is the deal with us. I could buy certified organic milk this for $2 a pound, right? But the one that’s the cleanest and. The one that’s the freshest and was picked, like, let’s say within the last six months and has the highest vibration.        

18:26:  Of energy, that one is $18 a pound. Wow. No one would ever know by looking. At organic milk thistle on the shelf. You see, oh, there’s the certified organic steel, right?        

18:38:  I’ll take the $2. We know there’s a huge difference between the $2 organic milk thistle and the $18 milk, right? So we use the $18 milk. That’s amazing. People are like, well, why is your milk thistle that much more expensive?        

18:51:  I can get milk this one a bottle for $2, organic for $2. Who’s like 39 or $29? Well, because that’s why what you want in your body is the highest vibration. And energy for all of the herbs that you’re doing. Makes sense.        

19:07:  So we started that, and so I’m. Really involved in taking it to the next level, right? Now, which we’re just releasing our acoustic glycerozoma technology where we’re able to actually wrap the constituents of the plant inside of what’s called a glycerozomal. You’ve heard of Liposomal? Most of that stuff that we’ve tested is just fake.        

19:31:  It’s all market sunflower. Lecithin call it lipospirit or liposomal. Okay? The Glycerosomal technology that we developed is 20% to 30% more bioavailable in rapid delivery than the Liposomal. Why do we need this?        

19:48:  Because Big Pharma and all of this stuff that they’re doing with their aerosolized lipid nanoparticle. Nanotechnology.        

19:57:  They’re calling it Lipid Nanoparticle, but it’s actually polymer nanoparticle. They’re using plastics and polymers and fibers. To do we need something that’s going. To be able to be at that level of technology that could counteract what they do. That’s why I’ve been studying their lipid.        

20:16:  Nanoparticle technology since 2015, trying to counteract it. And we finally got it right in time. By the way. It’s all God. Amen.        

20:24:  And now we’re able to actually utilize the Glycerosome all natural with no chemicals or no acids or no fibers or. No filaments to go in and to. Neutralize all of the things that the payloads that they’re using in their hydrogel and their naming company. Interesting. So get rid of the put in the good and get rid of the bad.

20:45:  We’re like, oh, taking capsules is one thing, but being able to actually get. And deliver these compounds from the plants. In deep into the cells of what they’re doing is the new technology that we’re rolling. Awesome. That’s exciting.        

21:04:  Yeah. So thank you for letting me say that. And we also have a Global Healing Institute, and that’s really what it’s about, is teaching people how to heal themselves. The first step is education. They really don’t understand about their body.        

21:19:  They understand how to heal themselves. Got you. So go to and learn how to heal yourself. Global Healing Institute. Awesome.        

21:30:  Fantastic. Thank you so much for taking the time. God bless you. I really appreciate it. We’ll make sure we have all his contact information below.        

21:39:  We’ll make sure you get to those two websites and just God bless you and thank you for everything you’re doing. Thank you. Appreciate it. Thank you for everything you’re doing. Congratulations.

>> Learn More About QE Strong Pain Patches <<


Unveiling the Future of Pain Relief: A Comparative Analysis of LifeWave and QE Strong’s Pain Patches

In the realm of alternative health and wellness, the quest for effective pain relief solutions is unending. Two notable contenders in this arena are LifeWave and QE Strong, each offering innovative pain relief patches. This comprehensive analysis delves into the core of these products, comparing their approaches, technologies, and benefits to help you make an informed decision.

The Science of Pain Relief: LifeWave’s Phototherapy vs. QE Strong’s Quantum Effect

LifeWave’s Approach: Harnessing Light for Healing

LifeWave has emerged as a pioneer in the field of phototherapy, a century-old science that uses light to improve health. Their flagship product, the X39 patch, epitomizes this approach. It’s designed to enhance the body’s natural energy flow, promoting overall wellness. The science behind it is fascinating: by stimulating the skin with specific light wavelengths, these patches aim to activate various biological processes.

QE Strong’s Quantum Effect: Balancing Energy Systems

In contrast, QE Strong’s approach is rooted in the concept of energy balance. Their Quantum Energy Pain Relief Skin Patches are designed to harmonize the body’s energy frequencies, which are crucial for everything from pain receptors to cellular function. By aligning these frequencies, QE Strong’s patches aim to restore the body’s natural state of health, countering the disruptive frequencies of modern life.

Product Focus: Specialized Solutions vs. Holistic Healing

LifeWave’s Diverse Range

LifeWave offers a variety of patches, each targeting different wellness needs. From enhancing vitality and physical performance to improving sleep and general wellness, their product range is extensive. This allows users to choose a patch that specifically addresses their individual health concerns.

QE Strong’s Holistic Approach

QE Strong, on the other hand, focuses on a more holistic solution. Their Quantum Energy Pain Relief Skin Patches are not just about alleviating pain; they’re about restoring and balancing the body’s entire energy system. This approach is more about overall well-being rather than targeting specific issues.

The Scientific Foundation: Phototherapy vs. Energy Frequencies

The Century-Old Science Behind LifeWave

LifeWave’s reliance on phototherapy is backed by a century of scientific research. This method of using light for therapeutic purposes has roots in ancient practices but has been modernized through technological advancements. The patches are designed to emit specific light wavelengths that trigger biological responses in the body.

QE Strong’s Innovative Energy Concept

QE Strong’s patches, encoded with the Quantum Effect, work on a different principle. They focus on the body’s energy frequencies, akin to a power grid. The patches are designed to correct imbalances in these frequencies, which can be disrupted by modern environmental factors.

Targeted Solutions vs. Overall Wellness

LifeWave’s Specificity

LifeWave’s range of patches allows users to target specific health issues. Whether it’s a need for increased vitality, better sleep, or enhanced physical performance, there’s a patch designed for that particular need. This specificity can be particularly appealing for those with distinct wellness goals.

QE Strong’s Comprehensive Approach

Conversely, QE Strong’s patches offer a more comprehensive approach to health. By focusing on balancing the body’s energy system, they address a wide range of issues simultaneously. This can be particularly beneficial for those seeking a more holistic approach to health and wellness.

Market Positioning and Customer Satisfaction

LifeWave’s Commitment to Innovation

LifeWave positions itself as a leader in innovative life technology. Their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is evident in their product range, which combines traditional concepts with modern science. They also offer a money-back guarantee, underscoring their confidence in their products.

QE Strong’s Focus on Harmonizing Modern Life

QE Strong emphasizes the need to counteract the negative frequencies of modern life. Their approach is about more than just pain relief; it’s about restoring the body’s natural harmony. This positioning appeals to those who are looking for ways to mitigate the impacts of a high-tech, high-stress lifestyle.

Conclusion: A Personal Choice for Pain Relief

In conclusion, both LifeWave and QE Strong offer compelling solutions in the pain relief patch market. LifeWave’s focus on phototherapy and targeted solutions caters to those with specific health concerns, while QE Strong’s emphasis on energy balance and holistic healing appeals to those seeking comprehensive wellness. As we continue to explore the frontiers of alternative health, the choice between these two innovative approaches ultimately depends on individual health goals and preferences.

In the ever-evolving landscape of health and wellness, both LifeWave and QE Strong stand out as frontrunners, each offering a unique path to pain relief and overall well-being. Whether you lean towards the targeted approach of phototherapy or the holistic philosophy of energy balance, these patches represent the cutting edge of pain relief technology. As we embrace these advancements, we step closer to a future where managing pain and enhancing wellness is more effective, personalized, and attuned to the complexities of the human body.

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